What is the PMPM cost in health insurance?
Aug, 2 2023

What is the PMPM cost in health insurance?

Hey, folks! Let's dive into this intriguing world of health insurance, specifically the term PMPM cost. It's not a secret language, I promise! PMPM just stands for "Per Member Per Month" cost. It's a pretty cool way health insurers calculate their costs, by spreading them across all their members on a monthly basis. It's like sharing a pizza - the more friends you have, the less you pay! So, in a nutshell, PMPM is your monthly share of the insurance company's overall costs. Insurance jargon, decoded!

How do you trademark a word that you made up?
Jul, 29 2023

How do you trademark a word that you made up?

You might be surprised, but it's entirely possible to trademark a word you've just conjured up from your creative cauldron. The first step is to verify that your word, your brainchild, is truly unique! Then, you'll need to use it in commerce, because trademarks are all about doing business, folks! After that, it's high time to file an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, where you'll need to cross your fingers and toes for approval. And voila! You could be the proud owner of a trademarked word, and that, my friends, is how you leave your linguistic footprint on the world!

Do nurses get free health insurance?
Jul, 26 2023

Do nurses get free health insurance?

In exploring the topic of whether nurses receive free health insurance, it's not as clear cut as one might think. While some hospitals and healthcare facilities do offer free or heavily discounted health insurance as part of their benefits package, it's not a universal standard. In some cases, nurses might still need to contribute to their health insurance costs. It's important to remember that the benefits vary widely depending on the employer and the specific terms of employment. So, no, not all nurses get free health insurance but many do receive some form of health-related benefits.

How does a UK-based company apply for a US trademark?
Jul, 23 2023

How does a UK-based company apply for a US trademark?

In my latest blog, I've explored the process a UK-based company must follow to apply for a US trademark. First, they need to hire a US-based attorney to represent them in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Then, a comprehensive search is necessary to ensure their desired trademark isn't already in use. Following this, they fill out an application form and pay the required fee. The last step is to patiently wait for the USPTO to review and hopefully approve the application.

How is health information used in health care?
Jul, 20 2023

How is health information used in health care?

Health information plays a critical role in our healthcare system. It helps in making informed decisions about patient's treatment plans and monitoring their progress. This information aids in the identification of health trends, which can help to prevent disease outbreaks. It also contributes to research, helping to advance medical knowledge. So, it's safe to say that without health information, effective healthcare would be near impossible.